Chapel of St. Anne

Chapel of St. Anne

This small chapel is dedicated to St. Anne, mother of the Holy Virgin, and has a building and a garden attached. The complex and the garden are in Iallyssos-Ixia, 6km from Rhodes.

Thank to the priest, the renovation of St. Anne’s Church, for years completely neglected, started in 2005. The nearby building, also recently renovated, is dedicated to St. Philomena, a young Greek martyr buried in Rome. The chapel was inaugurated and blessed by the Bishop Emeritus of Ivrea, Mons. Luigi Bettazzi on July 26th 2006, St. Anne’s Feast Day.

Historical Data

The small chapel was built in 1893 to the memory of Adelaide Mass, wife of Enrico Ducci, a great benefactor of the Catholic church in Rhodes. He also had the nursing home “Asilo Ducci” built, but unfortunatelythis is in very poor condition today.

The inscription “Hoc sacellum dedicatum est Divae Adelaidi” is engraved in the portal tympanum of the facade, together with the family coat-of-arms.